Friday 14 November 2008

Herb Attack

On one of my many food shopping trips for work this week I ended up in Field & Vine in Rathmines, which I haven't been to for ages. Now, I was in a bit of a work frenzied rush so I didn't make it any further than the fruit and veg section but there was plenty to take in there. It was heaving with gorgeous goodies including artichokes and fresh chestnuts and other things you wouldn't necessarily find in the supermarket. I must go back and check out the rest of the store when I have more time, particularly as it has been revamped recently. It's the one beside Lawlor's Butchers in that nice row of shops on the Rathmines road.

Anyhow, most impressive was their herb selection. They stocked two brands, the Glendown range at €1.80 for 50g and the larger Eden packs for €2.19. They literally had every herb you could think of, including hard to find's like sorrel, lemon balm and lovage. Sorrel has a tart or sharp, lemony flavour, lovage is celery like and lemon balm, well, lemon scented. Use them in soups, sauces or salads.

Sorrel looks a bit like spinach leaves

Lemon Balm looks a little like mint

Lovage looks like celery leaves

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